Spiritual Psychic Portraits

Kim Thiele has drawn and painted portraits of Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, and personal Master Teachers for students of Higher Spiritualism since 1983. Her work is noted to have appraisal value. A trained artist and student of Theosophy and Higher Spiritualism for many years, she is also self-taught in multiple media – from oil on canvas and gouache (pronounced ‘gwash’) paintings (opaque watercolor) on paper, to pastel drawings. Her personal forte is pencil on paper.

A selection of some of her work over three decades appears below: drawings of personal Spirit Guides, Master Teachers, and portraits of the Real Ascended Masters of Light as they have come through her unique mediumistic ability.

Click or tap on any image to enter Gallery.

Spiritual Psychic Portraits, Soul Drawings or copies of drawings by the artist can be ordered via the Contact page here.

The Nature of Mediumship and Spiritual Psychic Art

There are three main purposes of mediumship: First, to comfort the mourner by giving proof of life after death; second, to Spiritually heal the sick, and third, to inspire and guide the Truth Seeker. When one or more of these qualities are present in a reading or a drawing then genuine mediumship has occurred.

No genuine medium can ever guarantee that proof or contact with loved ones from the Spirit World will come through. Only if conditions are right and a seeker is sincere can Spirit Guides and loved ones impress their presence upon a a medium and bring through evidence of survival past the change called death. Inspiration and Spiritual Healing are important Gifts of the Spirit and are an important part of mediumship and Spiritual Psychic Art as well.

The Importance of Evidence

The teachings of Spiritualism and Higher Spiritualism are unique in the world because they are based on evidence. The Truth Seeker is taught to examine messages from Spirit that come through a medium for truth, and to verify the results of genuine Spiritual healing with qualified medical professionals. When genuine phenomena occurs it is precious and should be carefully documented for posterity. We apply these test conditions to phenomena in order to rule out inaccuracy or delusion, superstition, or fraud. As a Great Soul from the Spirit World once said, “One faint whisper of genuine communication from the world of the so-called ‘dead’ is worth far more than a thousand loud crescendos of false communication.” Spiritualism and Higher Spiritualism teach that the origins of all belief must be examined and tested and verified before accepting them as true. In orthodox religions we are taught to accept whatever we are told from a very young age by ministers and priests and family members without any evidence or proof that what we are taught is true. Though many good teachings come to us this way, there are many false teachings that come to us this way as well which masquerade as true, and cause untold suffering and pain. We cannot distinguish a false teaching from a true teaching unless we are taught to examine them and discern between them. Ideologies and dogmas are comfortable to us because they often conform to our family or communal beliefs, irregardless of whether they are actually true. Such beliefs color our thoughts and expectations throughout life and often limit our ability to accept others who are different, or recognize a greater Truth when it is brought to our attention because it conflicts with whatever we have been taught to believe, or simply wish to believe. This is the greatest cause of all human suffering. Many souls have found themselves upon arrival in the Spirit World deeply and inconsolably anguished to learn that what they were taught to believe while on earth or what they chose to believe throughout their life was not true and the hurt or harm it caused themselves and others could not be undone.

Spiritualism, and especially Higher Spiritualism, teaches that each of us as an individual must take personal moral responsibility for what we choose to believe and for our personal speech and actions as well. Thoughts are things and do have consequences. The Hermetic admonition, “Do no harm” is a reflection of this precept. We must be able – and willing – to examine our beliefs and assumptions in light of new evidence and adjust our thinking and behaviors accordingly whenever they are determined to be wrong. By combining Science and Religion in this way, Spiritual errors are recognized and more quickly healed and greater Truth and order can be accessed by humanity everywhere. It requires developing an open, thoughtful mind, consideration and respect for others, and practicing the Golden Rule as taught to us by the greatest minds and souls of all the Ages: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” This is also reflected to us in the beautiful prayer from the Spirit Indian Guides who have communicated through tested mediums their teachings of love and truth from beyond the grave: “Oh Great White Spirit, grant that I may not criticize my neighbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasins.”

An Evidence and Experiment in Spiritual Psychic Art

Spiritual Psychic Artists have traditionally reached out to draw portraits of loved ones in the Spirit World that could be recognized by friends and family still on Earth as proof of their survival after the change called death. [Some of the most important and evidential Spiritual Psychic Artists in the history of Spiritualism are Frank Leah, Carol Polge, and Rosa Parvin.] My own Spiritual Psychic Art has brought through such evidence from time to time, sometimes quite dramatically, though most of my drawings are personal contact portraits of Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels and Master Teachers from the Higher Realms of Spirit. Some of the evidence the Spirit Artist Guides have brought through in my drawings has been captured in testimonials and affidavits, but many testimonials have only been given to me verbally. One such experience I vividly recall came through while doing drawings at a psychic fair: A stranger sat down before me and asked only for his ‘main Spirit Guide’. I was very tired and had no idea who or what to draw, but trusted my Spirit Guides for their help and began working. A beautiful drawing began to take shape. I suddenly realized it was a drawing of St. Francis of Assisi, whom I had never contacted before, and though I tried to test this impression, I had nothing material to base it on because the sitter had given me no clues at all as to who should come through in response to his request; but I went ahead and put this Great Soul’s name down upon the drawing. When I finished the drawing and presented it to the sitter, he appeared to be stunned and stared at the drawing for a moment or two before speaking. When he did speak, he told me that he had been a Franciscan monk for many years, and this drawing was extremely evidential to him – as it was also for me. I no longer doubt how the Angels and Spirit Guides do their magnificent work – I only try to be the clearest channel for their inspiring presence that I can be. If conditions are right, I know from personal experience that some form of evidence, Spiritual healing, or inspiration will come through.

You are invited to participate in an experiment in Spiritual Psychic Art!

If you would like a drawing of your personal Master Teacher or Spirit Guide, you can request one via the form below. I will also update this page from time to time with drawings of persons in the Spirit World that have come through in my meditations who may be reaching out to be recognized by friends and loved ones still on Earth. If you recognize one of these drawings as a loved one or friend whom you knew on Earth, please reach out to the artist with a testimonial of recognition! If you have a picture of the person taken in their life that verifies details in the drawing and makes it evidential and recognizable to you, please consider including it with your testimonial! If you received a drawing of your Master Teacher or Spirit Guide or Guardian Angel and experienced a Divine healing or inspiration or outpouring of comfort through the drawing, please reach out with a testimonial or affidavit to the artist about your experience. Our loved ones and Spirit Guides are reaching out to us constantly from the Spirit side of life to help us realize that there is no death, there are no dead! Once we realize the reality of Life After Death, limitations fall away and we recognize that Life and Love go on into Eternity. We are here to help and heal! We are here to inspire and uplift the soul seeking Truth! Eternity makes the difference!

Do you recognize any of these Spirit faces?

Copyright © 2020 Kim A. Thiele. All Rights Reserved.

To submit a testimonial or affidavit, or to request a drawing of a Spirit Guide or Guardian Angel, please contact the artist via the form below:
